The Remanufacturing Service Worldwide
Make old parts like new
With above 20 remanufacturing locations around the globe, ZF plays a leading role in the industrial refurbishment of old parts. In Europe, America, and Asia the remanufacturing program is part of the global network of ZF Aftermarket. Remanufacturing at ZF follows a quality-checked and customer-oriented process. Old parts, also called cores, are the basis for remanufacturing.

A sustainable cycle can only be created through a functioning core management. The return system for old parts works in four simple steps - convenient, safe and transparent. ZF puts the knowledge and innovative power of original equipment into the industrial refurbishment of old parts. The result: quality you can trust.
The easy way of Remanufacturing

1. Exchange and repackaging
It is best to send your old parts back in the original packaging.
2. Collection
The wholesaler collects the old parts of its customers.
3. Identification and evaluation
The old parts are viewed and evaluated by trained employees.
4. Credit and sorting reports
After the parts have been evaluated, the sorting report or the confirmation of credit is promptly available.

ZF implements these steps in the remanufacturing process:
1. Acceptance and diagnostic testing
2. Pre-cleaning
3. Disassembly and final cleaning
4. Inspection of the components
5. Reworking
6. New parts supply/assembly
7. Test bench and programming
8. Painting
9. Packaging and storage
Highest Quality Standards

First-class quality for gearbox repairs
The remanufacturing program
- Is based on decades of experience
- Follows the production standards from new parts production
- Is based on important manufacturer and material specifications from well-known automobile manufacturers
- Is certified according to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001
- Offers refurbished components and units for cars and commercial vehicles or off-highway vehicles