Customer service is a powerful tool that delivers sales, growth, and revenue. To make sure your workshop delivers a consistent customer service culture take a look at our five top tips:

Illustration of a presentation to train your team

1. Train your Team

Everyone must be aware of how their actions impact the overarching customer service strategy as well as the entire customer experience. You must train ALL your people to understand and follow your customer service culture.

Illustration of a worker holding the written mantra for Customer Service

2. Create a Mantra

Sum up the customer service vision in one line and pin it on the wall for all to see. Make it short and to the point, something that everyone can remember and understand; it will help everyone in your workshop team to deliver great customer service.

Illustration of the worker who is chosen as leader for Customer Service

3. Choose a Leader

Start embedding a customer service culture by appointing customer service champions. Even in a small workshop with just a handful or people, you need to create a leadership team, or even just one leader who champions the customer service culture.

Illustration of a rewarded worker

4. Praise a good customer service

Give rewarding feedback to individual employees who have played their part in taking the customer service culture foreward, and use these success stories as examples to teach and inspire others.

Illustration of two workers shaking hands

5. Join a reputalbe network

Make sure your customers know that you deliver great service by joining a reputable garage network and displaying your certification prominently in the reception area.

trw ebook on customer service

Customer Service E-Book

Discover useful tips to help you deliver excellent customer service.