Parts counterfeiters use advanced techniques to make vehicle parts look genuine. To avoid falling into the trap of purchasing fakes, it pays to know what to look out for when choosing and buying parts.

Usually, but not always, price is the first indicator. Mostly, if it seems too good to be true, it probably is. However, be careful as the product pirates are now becoming wise to the price that premium labels can attract.

Always remember that Genuine Manufacturers will be able to supply proof of the Original Equipment (OE) matching quality of their product, and that fitting fake parts could affect your vehicle warranty.

Logos can be important giveaways, so beware of those which are bigger, smaller or use different fonts compared to the original.

The packaging of genuine parts can vary depending on the manufacturer and the specific product – and always be suspicious if there are spelling mistakes or ink run outs

TRW brake disk with package

What to look for?

There are, however, some general characteristics that you can look out for to help identify genuine parts packaging:

  • Branding:
    Genuine parts packaging will feature the manufacturer’s branding, logo, and other identifying information. This will be in the brand’s authentic colour schemes and use its authentic fonts and printing processes.
  • Quality:
    The packaging of genuine parts is usually of high quality and is designed to protect the product during shipping and storage; meaning it should be sturdy and robust.
  • Information:
    Genuine parts packaging usually includes detailed information about the product, such as its specifications, part number, and installation instructions. Two vehicles of the same model and year could feature with nearly identical parts but with different specifications. Counterfeits are more likely to be ‘one size fits all’ which can be dangerous and damage your vehicle.
  • Security features:
    Some manufacturers include security features on their packaging to help prevent counterfeiting, such as holographic stickers or other tamper-evident seals.

The only way to ascertain the purchase of genuine parts is to buy through a trusted source. Check out ZF Aftermarket’s Partner Finder to find your nearest official distributor.