TRW workshop employees between cars

Every day, when sourcing parts, workshops can choose between premium OE quality car parts or a cheaper alternative. The question is, do OE quality auto parts really make a difference or are they an unnecessary expense?

Choose car parts that fit right first time

One of the things that makes a workshop efficient is the capability to fit parts quickly and efficiently and sourcing OE quality car parts gives you the ability to do that. Leading brands, such as TRW, write the original equipment (OE) automotive standards for braking, steering and suspension systems. They understand what it takes to make OE standard replacement parts that fit seamlessly into a wide range of vehicle systems – they also typically come with a guarantee, meaning you can fit their parts with confidence to your customer’s vehicles.

Fast efficient fitting of auto parts

A reliable supplier of OE standard replacement parts will also give you unique aftermarket support. For example, TRW Corner Module components come with tools and fitting kits that help you get a perfect fit, fast. That means you can give the same excellent service, every time – and your customer can rely on the best performance, every time.

The TRW Corner Module

The TRW Corner Module concept delivers braking, steering and suspension parts that work together in harmony. We design and build our brake discs to be a balanced part of the braking dynamic, every one of our steering linkages has been tested to the limit, and our shock absorber range has one of the shortest, simplest lists of part numbers on the market, making it easier for you to source the parts you need.

R&D makes better car parts

Original solutions made by OE quality manufacturers are never just a copy of an existing model – they’re designed and built from the ground up to meet the real world challenges your customers face every day. They’re based on the latest insights, discovered through direct research and development relationships with major motor manufacturers around the world. And because they’re designed not just to meet standards but also to be the best real-world solution, they can far exceed manufacturer specifications.

Exceptional car part coverage makes workshops more efficient

Leading aftermarket suppliers will do more than design and manufacture braking, steering and suspension auto parts – they will invest to ensure they offer wide coverage, which, again, makes it easier for you to source the parts that you need. That means you can give your customers excellent service from a premium range that offers increasingly wide coverage.

So, with OE quality parts that fit right first time, fitting accessories that help you get the job done, coverage that gives you the parts you need and many more reasons besides, sourcing quality car parts really does makes your workshop more successful.

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