Man sits infornt of a computer

1. Get on Facebook, YouTube, X (Twitter) and Instagram

Facebook is still the world’s largest social network and the platform that many consumers are influenced by when searching for goods and services.

A ‘How to’ video on YouTube will make you helpful and memorable – and can boost your search rankings.

X (Twitter) and Instagram are good for promoting discounts or special deals. Hashtags like #autoshop or #carrepair can lead potential customers to you.

Man marks appointments on a calender

2. Create a daily, weekly or monthly series

If you post, for example, a useful tip and your followers read it, they’ll be even more likely to read a series of future tips and stay engaged with your social media channel.

Man showes competition on mobile phone

3. Run a Competition

Everyone loves a freebie. Running a contest is one of the most powerful ways to build engagement. You could offer a gift, or a free service as a prize, or your competition could be just for fun.

Man infront of computer interacts with customer

4. Share, Repin, Post

Not all of the content on your social feed has to be something you’ve taken time to create yourself. It doesn’t matter what you share as long as it’s something useful or of interest to your customers – and of which you approve

man speaks into a megaphone

5. Shout about Success

Celebrate your successes with your followers and show them you’re an ambitious, happy workshop that’s proud to be professional and successful. If your workshop has been written about, or reached it’s 10th anniversary, or served its 10,000th customer, let your followers know.

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