There's a whole world of adventure out there just waiting to be discovered. Your guide: Craig Lowndes, top racing driver and expert off-roader. On this site, you'll discover all Craig has learned about how to drive successfully off-road. From hills to mud, water to sand, towing to all-around safety, these are top tips for tip-top offroading. Brought to you by SACHS MAX: giving you the reliability, durability, and performance to go wherever adventure takes you - whatever the Australian landscape puts in your way.
"It'll be tough out there, so install some decent shocks like SACHS MAX for the ultimate comfort and performance... and always remember to carry out simple checks on safety critical componenets, so your vehicle can perform at maximum capacity."
Craig Lowndes, legendary racing driver and expert offroader

Let yourself be convinced by Sachs Max, versatile and your reliable partner in your adventure. Watch the different clips with Craig Lowndes and learn everything you need to know about SACHS MAX.
Get maximum support from SACHS MAX big bore shocks
Discover the benefits
SACHS MAX shock absorbers are built to give you the strength and the freedom to do what you want to do. Engineered to provide greater comfort and safety in day to day and off-road driving, over conventional shock absorbers. Discover the benefits of SACHS MAX.

- Designed with larger internal components such as pistons and cylinders, for a more durable shock absorber and superior performance in the harshest of driving situations such as load carrying or towing.
- Built for an up to 2-inch lift and specifically for high load and heavy-duty applications such as SUVs, vans and off-road vehicles, providing superior handling in the harsh Australian conditions.
- Integrated rubber bellows to protect internal components of the shock from dust and dirt, delivering maximum performance in the most difficult environment.

Ready to take adventure to the MAX?
Read our catalog and to fit SACHS MAX shock absorbers to your vehicle, head down to your local distributor today!